After pregnancy, become a "fart"?It doesn’t matter if it is so smelly, and the 6 recipes learn

Text | Fulin Mommy

Don’t get pregnant in person, you don’t know a lot of things …

Before pregnancy, no one tells you the "shit and urine farts". You don’t know at all, when you are so early, you can’t control the sphincter.

After you are pregnant, you will find that you have become a "dynamic fart", which is not only loud and loud, but the key is also full. That taste really makes you doubt that you eat it.what.

Sometimes in public places, it is really impossible to worry about face, and often when there is no one everywhere …

Many expectant mothers have the weight of "fart" during pregnancy, and they feel funny when they say it.

A mother said that she and her husband sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV, stood up to get the fruit, and "噗" did not hold back when she passed by her husband. Since then, her husband has a shadow.I still remember it so far.


This is actually a normal physiological phenomenon. The embarrassment is embarrassing, but at least it is not because of your own problems.It’s just because you are pregnant.

● Eternogenesis.

After pregnancy, the straight line of progesterone soared, the gastrointestinal motility was weakened, and the gastric acid was secreted less. Therefore, a lot of food that was eaten in the stomach was not digested completely. After entering the small intestineThe retention time increased, and there were more gas.

Even if it is, the key stay is long, the longer the fermentation is, so the smell the smell.

In short, many problems during pregnancy are related to the changes in hormones in the body. Wilderness is not a "back pot man" but it will cause some problems itself.

● Extraction of uterine enlargement

It is not only that progesterone can affect gastrointestinal motility, and the increase in uterine will also affect, especially the rapid growth of the fetus in the middle of pregnancy, and the organs in the expectant mothers have begun to "give up" the uterus.It reduced volume, which also compressed the stomach and was prone to flatulence.

Therefore, the expectant mothers during pregnancy are not just fart and smelly, and some of them will have constipation.

You must know that during pregnancy, expectant mothers will be particularly uncomfortable. Some expectant mothers are fart and smelly, but can be released, but some can not put it out.Pain, I am afraid that the baby’s intestinal colic is the kind of pain.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to relieve.

① Eat less meals

In order to avoid flatulence, it is necessary to keep up with the rhythm of gastrointestinal peristalsis, so it is recommended that expectant mothers eat less meals, so that the nutritional absorption is more comprehensive and can relieve bowel flatulence.

② Drink more warm water

Perhaps the mothers do not know that the humid intestine is more conducive to intestinal peristalsis, so pay attention to sufficient water.But drink plenty of warm water instead of cold water.Because cold water may cause intestinal colic, it may also promote uterine contraction. For the irritating ice water, for some maternal unstable mothers, it will even cause abortion or premature birth. Pay attention to some.

③ Drink yogurt in moderation

The yogurt mentioned here is pure yogurt, and the yogurt of proserous bacteria, because lactic acid bacteria and probiotics also have the effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis.This can also help exhaust the exhaust gas in the intestine.

④ Eat less high -protein food for dinner

Eat as little as possible for dinner, because at night, people’s gastrointestinal function will be relatively weak, and eating more is easy to increase the burden on the gastrointestinal.Especially at night, eat less protein food, not easy to digest, and the gases produced by digestion will taste more smelly.

⑤ Appropriate exercise

If it is not for the doctor to keep the fetus less, don’t always be on the bed during pregnancy. Proper exercise exercise can also promote gastrointestinal motility.It doesn’t need much intensity, just take a walk after meals.

⑥ Relax

I do n’t know that expectant mothers have a key issue, that is, stress will increase the harmful bacteria in the intestine and produce more evil stinks. Therefore, you must relax during pregnancy. Do not use fear of psychology.Essence

Some expectant mothers say that they have less farts during pregnancy, but they have a lot of hiccups. I feel that this is the saying that "the farts that go back have become snoring" …

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